Memories of Randy Everman, NN4G 1938-2020
PS 107:2 reads "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so". Any time Randy, NN4G, was on the air you would know right away he loved the Lord. His faith & love was contagious, every time I heard him I was encouraged in my faith. Proverbs 22:1 says "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches". Randy certainly earned that 'good name'. He is sorely miss. (STEVE- WB4ZQU)
Never Never 4 Get, a blessed brother in the Lord. I knew him since 2008. He was one who helped me as a young ham. He helped as a NCS, and encouraged me over the years. He was a mentor to me, a solid brother in Christ, and a great prayer warrior. He always gave praise to the Lord when mentioning family. My nancy thought the world of him. She would sit and listen to him when he prayed for her and for others. So I am going to miss you my brother! Dan-KI4TYK
Memories of Randy Everman, NN4G
1938 - 2020
By: Greg Swann, KD8LPT
Randy Everman, “Never Never 4 Get” (NN4G), will never be forgotten by his countless amateur radio friends.
It was a cool morning in November 2014 when just by chance I tuned my radio to 7.240 MHz and met the voice of NN4G coming out of the nearby community of Grayson Ky. Randy was working Net Controller for the 7240 Club that day. He spoke with a kindness in his voice that would make any newcomer feel immediately excepted and knowing he was amongst friends. Even though I had not yet met Randy, he soon become one of my best friends.
I had many QSOs with Randy moving forward from that day and always “threatened” that I was going to stop by for a visit at his home one day. After several years of visiting with Randy on the air, an opportunity presented itself to visit him at his home.
The visit, while short, was a most pleasant experience. As a bonus to getting to meet my longtime friend, I also met and visited with Randy’s lovely wife Mary, aka “Granny”. What a lovely person she is. I don’t remember exactly what we talked about, but I’m sure the conversation included Amateur Radio and (just to prove what a small world we live in) we also found we had non amateur radio mutual friends.
I was blessed to have had the opportunity to know and call Randy my friend. He will be missed but ‘Never Never 4 Gotten”.
73 my friend
1938 - 2020
By: Greg Swann, KD8LPT
Randy Everman, “Never Never 4 Get” (NN4G), will never be forgotten by his countless amateur radio friends.
It was a cool morning in November 2014 when just by chance I tuned my radio to 7.240 MHz and met the voice of NN4G coming out of the nearby community of Grayson Ky. Randy was working Net Controller for the 7240 Club that day. He spoke with a kindness in his voice that would make any newcomer feel immediately excepted and knowing he was amongst friends. Even though I had not yet met Randy, he soon become one of my best friends.
I had many QSOs with Randy moving forward from that day and always “threatened” that I was going to stop by for a visit at his home one day. After several years of visiting with Randy on the air, an opportunity presented itself to visit him at his home.
The visit, while short, was a most pleasant experience. As a bonus to getting to meet my longtime friend, I also met and visited with Randy’s lovely wife Mary, aka “Granny”. What a lovely person she is. I don’t remember exactly what we talked about, but I’m sure the conversation included Amateur Radio and (just to prove what a small world we live in) we also found we had non amateur radio mutual friends.
I was blessed to have had the opportunity to know and call Randy my friend. He will be missed but ‘Never Never 4 Gotten”.
73 my friend